really having fun playing chess~
my 1st day started to know chess(basic) was 10-12years old
thanks to pao ^^
but form1-form3 rarely touch chess game
then form4-5(now) active back..
i never regret enter this chess club~
really learnt new things! and actually how to play chess game 0.o
thanks to Matthew(pro chess player) XD
y suddenly i wrote this post?
2day i was playing chess with Meng yew(entered competition once-last month)
and i won!! hehe
then teacher asked,who won..*its me*
teacher was like looking at me,tumbuk softly and said
"kenapa awak tak tampil hadapan!kenapa awak tak masuk pertandingan bulan lalu!?,awak dapat menewaskan Mengyew dengan cepat..kenapa tak masuk competition!?kenapala..?"..keep tumbuk me softly.. 0.0
i was like speechless...and i told her,"cikgu arr,saya tak tau strategi untuk main chess..."....and she said "tak apa ma,boleh tunjuk ajar daripada Matthew ma..haiz.."
i really agree,that i can play chess well,
everytime everyone saw i play,they will said my chess position very good(even matthew said so)
but i main letak the chess only lol!
i dun really remember the name of all the position,
memorizes the position of the chess
but still..i won!
if i enter chess competition and can get certificate(either won or not)..i will participate~
haha *i tamak certificate*
2day was another hot day..
i really cant tahanla..
with the hot!sauna!!
but 2day, also nvrmind~
cause,Mandy gave me SJ-M page which she took from China chinese mag ^^
i now u will said "a page?!like this also wan..?" ...for your information,this is the 1st thing i got about super junior~ of course i was excited even its a tiny things XP
thank you mandy aka miss crybaby~
the cheapest ticket its $208=rm140!!
i wonder if they come to msia,how much will it cost..but still i will go!! XD
oh ya~yterday 5c ppl created each members' nickname
i just remember fews..
me : miss smiley
mandy : miss crybaby
hanson : mr snow white
loi : mr lazy pig
kim kim : miss evil
others i dun remember..sorry..2mr i will copy all the nicknames ya~ ^^
[countdown : 4days]
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